How much does it cost to obtain a manufacturing license in the UAE?

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become a regional manufacturing hub due to its strategic location, business-friendly policies, and world-class infrastructure. With an increasing focus on diversification and innovation, manufacturing plays a more critical part in the UAE’s economy.

If you want to establish a manufacturing enterprise in the UAE, obtaining a manufacturing license for the UAE is necessary. The license permits businesses to operate legally and create products in the country.

The manufacturing industry within the UAE has experienced substantial growth in recent years, which has significantly boosted the country’s GDP and job opportunities.

The strategic position of the UAE in the middle between Asia, Europe, and Africa gives it a competitive edge for companies in the manufacturing sector, providing access to global markets. Additionally, the government’s favourable policies, including creating industrial parks, free zones and tax incentives, have increased the industry’s growth.

If you’re an entrepreneur from the local area or an international investor, knowing the cost and requirements for getting a manufacturing license is vital to establishing and operating your manufacturing company within the UAE. Let’s look at the possibilities of manufacturing licenses within the UAE.

How much does it cost to obtain a manufacturing license in the UAE?

Why Do You Need a Manufacturing License in UAE?

An authorization to manufacture within the UAE is a prerequisite for all businesses manufacturing products, including food processing, electronic assembly, machinery production, etc.

The license is an official permit to operate manufacturing facilities and assures compliance with the country’s laws. A manufacturing license can provide many benefits, among them:

  • Legal Compliance

It guarantees that your company operates within the legal structure in the UAE and complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

  • Market Access

It permits manufacturers to manufacture and market items legally in the UAE, a market with significant consumer demand and potential for expansion.

  • Government Support

It allows access to various government support and incentives, including subsidies, tax exemptions, and industrial properties and facilities.

  • Investment Opportunities

It increases your credibility and entices investors to invest in your business to help expand your business and expansion.

How do you obtain a manufacturing license in the UAE?

Obtaining a manufacturing license in the UAE requires a thorough understanding of the application process. That is why we’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process and ensure a smooth and successful application process.

To start a manufacturing firm in Dubai, you must follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine Your Business Activity

Before you begin and submit your application, you must identify the manufacturing tasks your business plans will involve. This initial step assists in correctly categorizing your company and assures you comply with the relevant regulations.

Step 2: Select a Business Name

Choose a distinctive and memorable company name. Choose a unique and specific business representing the brand’s image and industry. Check that the name conforms to UAE rules and regulations and is not already registered.

Step 3: Choose the Right Location

Decide whether your manufacturing plant will be in the free zone or the mainland. Free zones provide benefits like tax-free zones and complete control for investors from abroad, while mainland establishments offer access to a larger market.

Step 4: Submit the Application to the Regulatory Authority

Complete the application with all the supporting documents to the appropriate regulatory authority. It may comprise, for instance, the Department of Economic Development (DED) for businesses on the mainland or the free zone authority for free zone businesses.

Step 5: License Issuance

When all requirements have been satisfied, the authority issues a manufacturing license for the UAE. This license grants you the legal rights to begin manufacturing operations within the UAE.

Step 6: Post-Licensing Procedures

Complete any additional post-licensing prerequisites, such as opening a bank account, obtaining a labour permit or other approvals from the authorities relevant to your business, and registering for applicable taxes.

Documentation Required for the Application

Here are the most important documents you’ll require to start your manufacturing venture in Dubai:

  • The completed form for manufacturing permit application form
  • Copies of passports of all directors/shareholders
  • Two passport-sized photographs
  • Approvals from other authorities
  • Environmental Permits

Be sure to seek assistance from a consultant for business setup in the UAE; ensuring the application process is error-free is vital. Effective Desk Business Setup is a one-stop solution for every business’s requirements. Contact us right now.

How Much Does a Manufacturing License Cost in UAE?

The cost for manufacturing licenses in Dubai or UAE is typically between AED 25,000 to AED 500.000 for manufacturing licenses. However, the exact price is contingent on various factors, such as the location, the type of product being produced, and the magnitude and complexity of the company.

Alongside the licensing cost in addition to the license cost, other expenses are involved, including:

  • Costs of procedural procedures
  • Cost of renting a warehouse or industrial space
  • Cost of getting approval from other authorities
  • The cost of equipment and machinery
  • Visa costs for the employee

It is important to note that these figures are only estimates, and the actual cost could be lower or higher depending on the specifics of your situation. It is advised to consult with a consultant for company formation in the UAE.

Benefits of Obtaining a Manufacturing License in the UAE

A manufacturing license for UAE has numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your company’s operations and help to ensure its success in the growing industrial sector.

Here are a few advantages of acquiring a manufacturing permit from the UAE:

  • 100% Foreign Ownership

The UAE is implementing a new policy permitting foreign investors to own all their manufacturing businesses. It means there’s no requirement for a local partner, giving you complete control over your business choices.

  • Tax-Friendly Environment

The UAE has a favourable tax environment for businesses, including manufacturing companies. It means you can keep most of your earnings and invest to grow your business.

  • Strategic Location

The UAE’s strategic place at the intersection of major trade routes gives easy access to markets worldwide and makes it a perfect place to manufacture and export products.

  • Government Support

The UAE government is actively supporting manufacturing through various initiatives, which include incentives to finance industrial parks and programmes for research and development.

  • Ease of Doing Business

The UAE has improved its business establishment and regulation process, making it more straightforward for companies to set up and run manufacturing facilities.

  • World-Class Infrastructure

The UAE is famous for its top-quality infrastructure, which includes modern ports, airports and transportation networks that help in efficient supply chain and logistics management.

Choose an Effective Desk for Your UAE Manufacturing Business

Establishing a manufacturing business in the UAE can be an exciting journey. Securing a manufacturing license in Dubai is a crucial step in this process, enabling you to operate legally, participate in the UAE’s industrial landscape, and reap the benefits of a tax-free economy.

While the process may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Getting assistance from a reputable business setup consultant in the UAE can streamline the company setup in Dubai, provide expert guidance, and ensure compliance with all regulations.

Effective Desk Business Setup is a leading provider of business establishment services in the UAE. With over 20 years of expertise, Effective Desk has been a cornerstone for more than 50,000 entrepreneurs, turning their business aspirations into reality.

Effective Desk Business Setup offers a one-stop solution for all your business establishment needs, from initial company registration to comprehensive PRO services. Contact us today by phone at +971 567021618, via WhatsApp at +971 567021618, or email

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